Lame Adventure 212: Life Imitates Tee Shirt

One of my remaining affordable guilty pleasures since I have zero fashion sense combined with a tight budget is tee shirts with captions from my favorite New Yorker cartoons.  I like these tee shirts even more when The New Yorker emails me a twenty percent off discount code.  They provide the perfect compliment to Jack Purcell badminton shoes.

Pictured below is an actual New York City pigeon that I encountered as it was pecking at half a toasted bagel on West Broadway on a sweltering afternoon.  I thought:

Me:  How fortuitous!  I just ordered this tee shirt!

Where's the schmear?

To anyone as skeptical as me, no, I did not toss half a toasted bagel into West Broadway to get this shot.  It was fate.

Fashion statement.

Cartoon caption closeup.

The cartoon is by veteran New Yorker staff cartoonist, Roz Chast, and the tee shirt is available online at The New Yorker Store in sizes suitable for the entire family.  It is also available as a unisex hoodie, a mug, note cards, art prints (framed or not) and the original drawing is also for sale at an undisclosed price that starts at $1,900.  One could conceivably dedicate two months salary to this cartoon alone, if one suffered a massive head injury.  I’m content with just the tee shirt.

6 responses to “Lame Adventure 212: Life Imitates Tee Shirt

  1. Aside from just being hysterical, I wonder what forces of nature came together so that you would run into this pigeon considering it’s luck so soon after ordering that shirt wonderfully representing said pigeon’s likeness. I love coincidences likes this. And god how I miss bagels. Especially with a little schmear.

    (and HEY, there’s an ad on your site…)


    • Hey Allen!

      Good to hear from you. I guess it’s the forces that know I have an affinity for urban wildlife — pigeons, squirrels, and (from a comfortable distance) rats, that made this small miracle in perfect timing happen!


  2. A perfect example of synchronicity! I love Roz Chast’s cartoons too. And The New Yorker. Last April one of my captions for their weekly cartoon contest was chosen as a finalist. Alas…close but no cigar.

    Loved your comment on the NYT article about the breastfeeding baby doll. My sentiments exactly.


    • Hey TTPT, I LOVE your melted ice cream truck pic! Hey LA readers check out this great post:

      I subscribe to The New Yorker. In what issue did your runner up comment come close? I think that’s great that you made in that far. I hope you’ll eventually win. Thanks for finding me.


  3. Thanks! The contest was the March 8th one. (I thought it was April, but I guess losing blurred my recollection of it. I came in third. Out of three. But it was an honor to be nominated! Although, I would have much preferred winning.) Here’s the link to it in their archives.

    I put you into my blogroll and look forward to many more lame adventures!


    • It’s too bad that every person who’s in the running in The New Yorker’s cartoon caption contest does not get the choice of at least a mug or tee shirt with their caption no matter where it places. It must have been a thrill to at least be amongst the top three. Thanks for sharing your caption. And thanks for adding LA to your blog roll!


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